Saturday, 10 April 2010

OpenMusic 6.2

We gave a brief introduction to OpenMusic a few posts ago. A new version of this algorithmic composition software has just been announced by IRCAM.

The new version, OpenMusic 6.2 is available for Windows XP, Vista and Mac OSX Univeral Binary and comes with updates, bug fixes and some new features.

New features:
- Compatible with LispWorks 5 and 6 (for LispWorks users)
- New "LispFunction" object
- Improvements and debug of the Audio system (memory management, update LibAudioStream, etc)
- Music package: "extra" tools
- Preferences activation/deactivation of the "multithread mode" MultiPlayer files
- OMChroma update of the kernel and a new version object;
- "Cr-control" improvements of the CSound instruments parser

Library Updates:
- OM-SuperVP 2.3 (Windows/mac)
- OMPrisma 1.12
- Modalys support
NOTE: There are still some libraries not yet ported (omKant ace, etc…)

We'll look at some further algorithmic composition techniques and explore some of the new OpenMusic algorithmic features in future posts.

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